"If I could help bring a few people around and decrease Shawn Hannity's ratings by 30% by the end of 2010 I'd be satisfied."
Indeed, many of us feel like this about one TV news personality or another, depending on our political leanings. Personally, I am getting tired myself of the innuendo game, but really on both sides of the debate. You see, I really cannot be bothered listing to many of the blowhards on CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, BBC, on the other side either.
For me, I do not like it when people blow stuff out of proportion, make things up, and yell, they are right, when they never said anything in the first place. It's just purposeful commotion, contrived chaos and controversy, and fury-full acoustics.
Many folks observing our current political on-goings say that; "The conservatives have lost their way, that definition really doesn't fit. Of course, today's liberal is more like a "socialist" than anything regarding the actual definition of our very liberal founding fathers, they'd be called Conservative-Libertarians today. Please consider all this.http://www.cbs.com