Say? I was surprised when I read this today, too. This is a major news network in all media. But the Almighty Microsoft technology dominates the world forever. Apple is now the largest and the most valuable technology company in the world.
Because they were the world's largest technology company, just all the recent hype their latest product. IPad, iPhone, and they are many in the past few weeks, more investors are attracted to the hype of new products, such as Macintosh computers, and continue on. A huge amount of Apple products to stimulate the growth of SMEs, and also has given customers the full add-in with their product a lot more options. May 26, 2007 Apple's market value to $ 219.2 billion 222.1 has just passed by Microsoft. They are the second largest United States stock was second only to Exxon Mobil and. On the verge of bankruptcy, the company has been steadily moving at once, they have since Steve Jobs came back to the company and the iPod has been released, this is impressive.
Microsoft has for some time now has been a slow decline. Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer to further their stock occurs in Europe, a recent comment about their problems. Investors just haven't been thrilled with them anymore and is not at all new and exciting products because these days. Zune and some other mundane products investors disappointed. Microsoft software is still the most so in the PC world, the company is still in good shape, most of the people they will come here for a long time.
How long will stay on top of Apple? Microsoft will be bounce back? Nobody knows for sure, but Microsoft is an impressive company. Apple just is the hottest product out there at the moment.