Microsoft software innovation discussion

Many anti-Microsoft programmer only Microsoft is that they are a jumble of their current software is complicated to add one or two new features and innovations coming out of the phone. new innovations in software, no complaints Also they create artificial demand Microsoft is offering consumers a new charge?

Dear anti-Microsoft software programmer-what about good to talk? It recognizes that customers want; You are telling me that Hallucigens consumers? "Next" to consumers who want a new enhanced timing tell. Love the new tools of production, the first purchaser, and Microsoft MS Word 2007 for example, Office Professional 2007 is a gorgeous new you'll see. The first purchaser and he fled again.

With a small fee in the future, Microsoft, Web-based service may be just what the doctor ordered, very well. A lot of people's grandmother and fix problems with the idea of a Web-based product, or because of people stealing from Microsoft, piracy-protection for those poor countries and it is? Some of these complainers, competitors and detractors.

To create a new race of humans that shred of integrity and what'll go on all Microsoft and open source will follow your logic? It invites all women to go out to the world, you see, I do like a dead beat dad, injuries, like a thief pirated software.

Innovation to create better awareness, if you put it all together the package, and then more power to you if you can, then you can create more innovations. But consumers have put their trust in the Microsoft consumer products to buy. You see, the last time a customer is always right, and it's better to refer to rule again if you forget the number one; The customer is always right? Why don't they just ask me-they understand rule number and their circle with $ request, since the vote.
