Ryan Budget Part Deux, Mitt and Newt Secretly Meet, Stephanopoulos on Obamacare, Penny Pinching (PM Note)

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Ryan Budget Part Deux, Mitt and Newt Secretly Meet, Stephanopoulos on Obamacare, Penny Pinching (PM Note)

March 29, 2012 06:22 PM
"Dude, It's Beef" - Kansas Gov Sam Brownback at presser with Rick Perry on "Pink Slime" (Travers)
Jim Avila Goes Inside the Nebraska Beef Plant at the heart of "Pink Slime" on World News tonight.
House Passes Paul Ryan Budget - (This is one you'll hear about 'til November) - 228-191- Parkinson - The measure is doomed in the Senate where Democrats have the majority, but the Ryan budget still exposes vast differences between the two parties in a pivotal election year. http://abcn.ws/GYq9Dz
That's 6 fewer Republicans than voted against his budget last year - http://abcn.ws/H1U2Ix
Mitt Confirms Secret Meeting With Newt - On Hannity - "We're pretty much in regular communication between the different campaigns and I said hello to Newt…. nothing new, nothing exciting except we keep a friendly discourse open. We do meet from time to time and I'm sure that the Speaker meets with Rick Santorum as well but we don't go off and report the discussions but they are friendly and we discuss the issues, we discuss the way forward  but we don't reveal our secret campaign strategies, I'll tell you that."
Stephanopoulos on Obamacare -: How a Supreme Court Loss Could Be an Obama Political Victory -  If the court strikes down the law it would be a huge blow to Obama, guaranteeing at least a week of negative coverage. When you lose you look weak, that's what happens to a president. But if it's a 5-4 partisan decision against the law, both Republican strategist Karl Rove and Democrat James Carville agree there could be a silver lining for Obama.
Rove pointed out in the Wall Street Journal  today that a partisan split would give Obama an opportunity to accept the court's decision, reach back to the center and propose a new bipartisan initiative. Carville argued that a narrow defeat gives Obama a chance to say "We tried," and rally the base against the same court that decided Citizens United and Bush v. Gore.
My bottom line: A loss would be a huge blow to the administration, but the president could try both strategies to get an out. http://abcn.ws/Hp5wCl
In Canada, They're Nixing the Penny - (Canadian penny worth more than an American penny, notes Sherisse Pham)  http://abcn.ws/H0BDrA
Could Rick Santorum Win the Rust Belt? - Chris Good - despite Santorum's steel-town upbringing, working-class economic pitch and social-conservative agenda, the numbers don't reveal him as a rust-belt champion for the GOP. And despite Romney's wins in Michigan and Ohio, which might have beat back the idea that he struggles in relating to the working class, he doesn't look like a Republican savior in the Midwest, either - http://abcn.ws/H4ClBK
Give us your Peeps - Spring Candy Sweetens Occupy D.C. Movement - http://abcn.ws/HtFOvA
Bowling on the Campaign Trail: The Politics of Tenpins - http://abcn.ws/HoNlzj
Obama Says Strip Oil Company Tax Breaks; Senate Says No, It'll Raise Gas Prices  -http://abcn.ws/HllGyJ
Latinos are Key, But Disengaged - Matt Jaffe - Latinos make up a fast-growing voting bloc in the U.S., but new census data shows voting among the demographic experienced a steep decline -http://abcn.ws/HtFQDH
…which is bad news for Newt who staked a lot of his failed White House campaign on outreach to Latinos. -  http://abcn.ws/H4ys3r
'Kicking the Can' - Congress Passes 90 Day Highway Bill - http://abcn.ws/GYqvKn
Why Barack Obama Hates the Lottery - Buzzfeed uncovers some old video of President Obama as a state senator talking about the social ills of the lottery. Carney says he won't buy a lottery ticket - http://abcn.ws/H18InP
