Cut Away Your Health Insurance Bill With Medical Travel

saving 40% to 90% on the cost of a Heart Bypass, knee replacement, dental work, face lift, or any number of other, seriously expensive medical procedure? If you answered yes, you might consider looking into medical travel, which can cut up to 90% of your typical medical costs for the same procedure in the U.S.
If the price of your procedure is going to be above $5000 in the U.S, you should seriously look at exploring the medical travel option. Obviously the more complicated the procedure, the bigger the savings. As the array of cost comparisons show, you can save up to $190,000 dollars on some procedures. The downside? You get to take a holiday in some exotic location to recuperate. What a hassle right?
Some of the destination countries might be considered to be third-world but the treatment and care is first rate. There are a host of companies based here in the U.S. that will put you in touch with the hospital abroad that best suits your needs. The array of options available are so broad, even first world countries like Singapore and Korea offer care at a fraction of the cost.
Various studies and statistics (I know, lies, damn lies and statistics) show that where people receive initial estimates for a knee replacement in the ball park of $100,000, the equivalent cost invariably can come in below $20,000 . Did I mention that this 20K includes airfare and 5* hotel accommodation? It does.
Ultimately, the decision to investigate these options is easy enough to make. There's no shortage of information on various locations, cost comparisons and most important, media clippings from renowned news outlets. Check it out today - what do you have to lose?
