Sarah Montague BBC closes Online mentoring. Seated are Tim Davie, Ralph Rivera and Act Keating
Home of today's BBC Online briefing, I had another look at the events through the eyes of Twitter.
More than one hundred managers, designers and experts converged on the radio Theatre today to hear the thoughts and strategy. Quite a culture clash, said @ MadeByKite:
Ralph Rivera talked about attached Studio (@ BBC_Connected)-the Innovation Fund, looking for the name of the briefing in November-and how people would expected to experiment with, but something to build.
@ GinaFegan, industrial group D Media Network, summed up:
#bbconline celebrates the launch of trying to stock Lovies and enthusiasts in the BBC Studio connected @d_media_network -11: 55 am
@ NicoleYershon, as Ralph, says BBC innovation projects with more experimental, orientation:
#BBCOnline discussion it was possible to organize the repositories, social, information @ralphrivera asks your hands up 2 c if u remember the bbc labs: behind the scenes!Insists that it is different, I believeMark friend, has a new home page Radio 1, to the joy of its developers, @ MadeByKite:
Radio 1 Homepage on the screen LIVE! Dragon set! #BBCOnline #wemadethat #pride -12: 10 PMThe action was organized by Sarah Montague programme today. Put your speakers on-the-spot-Mark friend asking how he could arrest the declining radio audience. @ MadeByKite again:
Sarah Montague BBQ Mark friend. Terrible! Radio 1 homepage is his shield. #BBCOnline -12: 25 PMMark friend, multiplatform and Interactive controller for audio and music, it also has blogged today say that radio is Thriving in the digital age. His Executive social media, Jem Stone, has blogged specifically on digital particpation with Radio 1.
Holly Goodier represents research audience on every BBC Online briefing and interesting advantages. This interview he said that instead of partcipation falling into the formula, 90%/9%/1%, easily share means that the light turnout today, norm, 77% of the online population involved in some way. She has already blogged her speech, called the participation of choice.
Steve Rosenbaum, blogged about his topic-it is possible to organize the repositories-in the Centre. Emphasized the amount of information created, and that the role of the curator, in part, to separate the signal from the noise. Apple @ VParksMurphy linked two talks:
It may be that the passive 23% just tuning out the noise? #BBCOnline -2: 03 PMSteve called on the room: If you took one content curator on a desert island, it would be the BBC? Metallic eye @ GWilliamRob (William Robinson) said:
Who would choose as my parole officer information? It's up to the BBC, The Guardian, the Economist, which is for you? #BBConline -1: 53 PMDuring the last question and answer session enjoyed Telefonica @ GlynPovah Ralph joking about peculiarities of language-such as the British English meaning "courage", "right" and "path":
@ralphrivera thinks "we're on the road" is for "will take longer than we want to." He's right. #Code #bbconline -2: 59 PMNext week will be the BBC Internet Blog publish video presentations, and will not be limited to look through Twitter. Enjoy the weekend holiday. Ian McDonald is the content producer, BBC Internet Blog