At the end of BBC Online briefing Tim Davie, Act Keating and sat down to take questions. Here's the video:
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Ralph Rivera is the Director of BBC future media
Sarah Montague requested Act Keating, why wasn't online archive, and whether it should be the BBC does not allow people to use their platforms.
Scott asked the driver of O2, when the BBC reference is made to the consumer rather than the audience.
His colleague picked up a panel discussion on the promotion of the streaming of the Olympic Games and talked about how technology firms are organised for the challenge. His mood was the same Paul Barwick:
It's true-it will be the first multi platform and multi media Olympic # bbconline-2: 50 PM
Steve parks of the Enigma code, himself a former journalist, BBC Radio, the question of what the supplier can provide the relationship between the supplier and the BBC goes well-and what can be deduced when the projects are bad.
Balaji Abbabatulla (@ balaabba), who wrote the heart of Ralph Rivera reply:
Determination of the mutual expectations of the right is the key to successful relationships with suppliers of @ RalphRivera # bbconline-2: 54 PM
Tim Davie talked about removing barriers, how to Code Computerlove, who wrote:
The BBC are the inner wall share ideas and the Agency # watchthisspace # bbconline-2: 55 PM
Chris Jackson of Metabroadcast asked how quickly ideas from the attached Studio may be released into the core of the business.
Tim Davie talked about drivers for the step from the bespoke systems, but Ralph comments about British words rose gathered more social media comment.
Glyn Natures from O2 who wrote:
@ ralphrivera thinks "we're on the road" is for "will take longer than we want to." He's right. # Code # bbconline-2: 59 PM
Lee Thompson from BT Vision, asked for the return to which Sony Edd Uzzell summed up as follows:
Return to the BBC sounds like better Usenet newsgroups. 5 + years of storage, any content transmitted in this timeframe and grows. -3: 05 Pm