Documentation Team Leadership Change

Hi everybody -
Hope you all had a great holiday, and are easing into 2012 nicely! I'll cut right to the chase with this announcement: effective pretty well immediately (as this has been in the works for a little while now), I'm stepping down as Documentation Co-lead. Click Here!
Awwww, sad, I know! It's been quite the experience, and I feel like along with Jennifer and the other docs enthusiasts, we've gotten a lot done over the course of the last year and a bit of official leadership term. It's been great helping set the direction of the documentation plans, and working with everyone who's been interested in improving the documentation, as well as many of the core and contrib development teams.
After taking some time off in the summer to decompress and figure out where I wanted to go with all of this, I realized that despite feeling like I've been effective in the position, it's taken a lot of my time away from other things in my life, and from actually writing docs and working on other areas of Drupal. And that was definitely okay for a certain timeframe, but it's not something I want to do forever. Now that the Community Documentation infrastructure changes have been rolled out, my side of the leadership role is effectively being put on hiatus. We've talked this over with Dries, and he also feels it's fine for Jennifer to continue managing the API docs and infra solo.

What does this mean to you all? Probably not any huge changes, I'll still poke my head in on the issue queue, IRC, etc. now and then. But my "official responsibilities" will no longer exist, including hosting Documentation sprints, attending meetings and docs hour, doing docs conference sessions, etc. And when I do work on Docs, it'll more often be in a writing/editing capacity. I'm also hoping to spend some more time doing other fun things like patch reviews for Drupal core, and continuing to attend Drupal events. ...And also, spending more time knitting, socializing, doing yoga, and all those other things I neglected while I was spending all my evenings online!
My time helping lead the project's documentation team has had high points and low points, but overall I feel like I've learned a ton, gotten a lot done, and am leaving the state of the docs in a better place than when I started. That's really all I could hope for! Thanks so much to Jennifer for being an amazing co-lead with whom to share a brain, and to all the fantastic Drupal and docs enthusiasts who've made this experience a positive one.
I hope to see the tentative docs infrastructure plans come to fruition during the coming year. This will result in a small team of dedicated core docs maintainers (including myself) taking over the helm of the future "curated" core docs section, and also see docs maintainers appointed for other contrib projects' curated documentation. And of course, work on API documentation and docs infrastructure will continue; Jennifer and other team members have been focused on this for a while now.
Keep rocking the docs folks, thanks for everything, and I will see you around!
Jennifer here... I'd like to thank Ariane for a great year of co-leadership! I'm currently planning on staying on as Documentation Team Leader for 2012.

What I'd like to do is take on a deputy leader or co-leader sometime soon (watch for details and an official call for interest/applications). This way we can have a smooth transition to the next documentation leader, and start the trend of time-limited leadership for positions like this in the Drupal community (to prevent burn-out, let new people have a chance to lead, etc.). Anyway, rest assured I'll still be asking Ariane for advice and help, and I'm excited that she's still excited about being involved in documentation in her new capacity!
