Art Riley lives in San Francisco. Art is a computer analyst and the needs of the channel, but he cannot afford the high cost of its pensions and medicare. So how does it play? In this case, art and his wife pack their bags and Board the plane to San Miguel de Allende in the State of Guanajuato in Mexico. Rileys stay in four 4-star hotel, and make use of the services Must Have. Art and his wife, dine at restaurants and within a day, visit the museums or take all the sights of the city of the 16th century. In all art spends less than half his holiday and channel connected in comparison to what it would be on his channel back in San Francisco.

Ancient times
As early as 4000 BC, travelling from far away countries to temples Gula in Mesopotamia. In temples have diagnoses of their diseases. These guests then fared from the region of Sumerian country health centers built around the hot springs where the derived forms. The city rooms, these temples was known as a cradle of culture Sumerian King.
Sometimes the Hellenic civilization had the same traditions of their temples, the Asclepiad. Asclepius was a gifted a healer, who at the time was increased to the God of medicine. Greeks traveled to these and other temples as one in Delphi to find healing and comfort. Medical tourists usually time care found in a hot bath, wholesome food and red wine. Build health centers around the hot springs was a trend throughout ancient history until the middle ages. This was seen in Japan, Switzerland and ancient Rome. Only the notable exception was in India, where Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga returned would travel in the ancient world in search of relief.
The Middle Ages
Progress in medicine appeared to such an extent that in the 9th century-the vizier of Baghdad, founded the first hospital. These institutions were later included in the 12th century in the city of Cairo, Egypt. Nasiri and much larger hospitals Mansuri were the most advanced of their kind. Centers provided care for each person, who traveled with medicine.
Post Renaissance and Renaissance periods
While the hospitals focuses on the expansion of medical practice, healing centres were based on hot springs continued development. In the 1500 's, several ancient Roman Baths are fixed in England, France and Switzerland. One of the most famous was in Bath, United Kingdom and the Centre attract travelers from all over Europe.
After the revolution of America
Health establishments to promote throughout rural America. Some of them were based in the Catskill Mountains of New York, where the visitors can stay in luxury hotel to enjoy health benefits of clean air and alternative medicines.
20TH and 21st century
Search for medical care during the journey continues to draw visitors to far away places. These days, the practice is drawing medical tourists to countries in Asia, Central and South America. Thailand is known for its low cost of care and the extremely low cost of living prices. Spas and hot springs are not considered medical treatment, but most cater care may seek a relaxing benefits obtainable at a spa in order to supplement their medical treatment.
History shows that medical tourism is as long as the inexpensive care has been placed in or around cities with cultural attractions or exotic panorama. As long as medical care is expensive in developed countries developing Nations will have a steady stream of tourists seeking care. Like Art Riley, travelling, you can get the benefits of good medical care at low prices while enjoying abroad at the same time.