Mitt Can't Remember But Stays Consistent, Ex-PATRIOT, Demon Sheep of GOP Admen (PM Note) | |
May 17, 2012 07:14 PM "Ex-PATRIOT" - Schumer Targets Anti-Tax Facebook Set - Act to Target Eduardo Saverin - It's not a Bill of Attainder, they say, because they'd target any soon-to-be Internet billionaire who renounces his (or her) citizenship to avoid paying taxes - Eduardo Saverin Writes from Singapore to Say He's Not So Bad - Whatever I said, I Still Agree With It - Read this Mitt Romney quote and dissect it - "I'm not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was," Romney said. "And with regards to - I'll go back and take a look at what was said there." It started this morning with a New York Times story Jeremiah Wright and Fred Davis and the possibility of a new SuperPAC attacking Obama with a "literate" black spokesman. The Details of the Jeremiah Wright Plan were Dissected Piecemeal by Jake Tapper: On the immediate distance Romney put between himself and the idea - On Adman Fred Davis - Mark Salter said he needs "round-the-clock adult supervision" - On TD Ameritrade and their billionaire former CEO who considered bankrolling the Jeremiah Wright-focused campaign - The proposal, which was one given to the Joe-Ricketts-backed group, and we're told was never seriously considered, dominated the day. Romney said he was going to focus his campaign on the issues, not personal attacks. But it turns out that earlier this year he himself had mentioned Wright in a radio interview. He didn't remember that interview, which led to the afore-mentioned quote. Matt Negrin explains why Romney not remembering something but still saying he agrees with it could mean something - What did Romney not recall saying? Something on the Hannity radio show in February: "I'm not sure which is worse him listening to Reverend Wright or him saying we must be a less Christian nation." Character Assassination - That stomped a bit on Romney's pledge today that he would focus his campaign on the economy and the issues, unlike the Obama campaign, which he said was trying to assassinate his character - Coburn Suggests DNC and RNC Give Back $36 Million in Convention Tax Money - Jon Karl asks them about it. Rough translation: Both said no.  Bipartisanship! - The Demon Sheep of GOP Admen - Our favorites from Fred Davis' Oeuvre - Power Players - Can John Edwards Ever Come Back? - George "I've never seen approval ratings this low" - 3 percent! - "Those kind of numbers rule out a political career. But not personal redemption - and ultimate recovery from the scandal. Here's what Edwards can do." Be like Chuck Colson - Closing Arguments for Edwards - RIP Americans Elect - Biden Claims Romney Bain Investments Cost Taxpayers - Vice President Joe Biden today added a new twist to Democrats' economic argument against Mitt Romney, saying his business practices at Bain Capital resulted in costs to taxpayers - Obama Courts Veterans With New Campaign - Obama lost the veterans' vote in 2008 to John McCain (himself a veteran), 55 to 45 percent. But campaign officials now believe that changing demographics in the country and the military, coupled with Obama's record on veterans issues, could give him an edge - Breyer Robbed… Again - Palin v. Obama - Matt Dowd looks at the past week and says Obama failed to seize the moment, while Sarah Palin very much did - Tapper Talks Drones with Tom Donilon - Why Wait 'Til December? - Rubio Warns of Daily Debt Ceiling Crisis, Won't Back Schumer's "Ex-Patriot" Proposal - The Mystery of Capitol Hill Burglaries - Another Veep SuperPAC - this one is for the "children's future" and supports Chris Christie - |