Monday PSA: The Flushing Remonstrance

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Filed under: Comics

The Flushing Remonstrance. Click for the full pageWhat seems at first to be a rather dry “history lecture” public service ad is actually a subtly pointed affirmation of the Freedom of Religion — a lesson that could bear repeating today.

Click on the image for the full ad

It's Fun to Help Others!The PSA presents a fairly abridged version of the Flushing Remonstrance, but then it is only a five panel PSA intended for 8 to 12 year old boys.
Flushing RemonstranceWikipedia has a nice summation of the Remonstrance.
Flushing RemonstranceThe full text of the Flushing Remonstrance

It's Fun to Help Others!Since this PSA was published just the one time, and because it is more political than most, I wonder what was going on in the country in 1957 that prompted Schiff to write it?

It's Fun to Help Others!Remonstrance is a fun word to say; flushing is too.

This PSA can be found in DC comics from February, 1958. The script was by Jack Schiff, with the art by Bob Brown.

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