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Shopping Cart Elite has been around since 2007. Since the beginning, the company has created and refined the software into a great product to help business owners. This shopping cart software offers one master website template with several different options for customization. This will allow you to be up and running in no time at all. It is simple to make changes to your website elements, such as the header, banner and main background. If you're continually making changes to your website, the ease of making adjustments will save you time and frustration. With these great features, it is easy to see why this is our TopTenREVIEWS Bronze Award winner.
With Shopping Cart Elite, you have complete control over your design. You have access to change the HTML code, CSS, image colors, borders and more. You can also change your main background, header and banner at any time you choose. If you'd like them to, Shopping Cart Elite can create custom templates; however, they advise you to use one of their pre-created ones. It will cost you more to keep a site based on custom templates updated. And if you use a pre-made template, your updates are downloaded automatically each week.
Shopping Cart Elite comes with marketing and SEO tools that will help you to create a great business platform. They offer an intuitive CRM system that will allow you to keep track of your customer's information as well as your own financial information. This system includes important features you will need to run your back office, including tools for managing returns, inventory, warehousing and more.
You can use Shopping Cart Elite as a portal to store all of your data. Moreover, you can use it to connect to other marketplaces such as Google Shopping, eBay, Amazon and more. This shopping cart software also comes with SEO tools already built into it. These tools allow you to generate an SEO-friendly page that will be included in search results based on what your customers search for. This page will also be indexed to Google, increasing your Google ranking.
One of the features we really like is the email exchange server this shopping cart software offers. This tool will allow you to brand your outgoing marketing emails, customizing the look and specifying your own preferences. There is an included auto responder, so you can create emails that will go out automatically to acknowledge an order or notify a customer of a shipping date, for example. Additionally, you have the option to sync your email information to the cloud so you can access it from your mobile device. Shopping Cart Elite allows you to do this all from one interface.
Shopping Cart Elite's pro package offers a very generous number of SEO tools. These features include syndication of blog posts, a content optimizer, link exchanges, a keyword rank monitor and text spinner. All of these features will give you a leg up on the competition when creating your online presence. The service also offers you important information regarding the analytics of your site and your visitors. You will receive basic visitor analytic information as well as information on your visitors' actions while they're on your site. You will also receive a Google Adwords ROI report, which will give you an idea of whether you're targeting the right keywords to attract visitors to your site who are looking for your product or service.
Security is important to anyone who uses shopping cart software, since you're dealing with your customer's sensitive information. This is just one of the reasons that Shopping Cart Elite has implemented a virtual proxy firewall for all websites. This firewall has the ability to detect suspicious activity on your site and either allow or deny access to the servers.
There are also tools that will allow you to keep a close eye on your employees computer use, including the ability to take screenshots and view what your employees are doing on their computers. This gives you the chance to make sure employees working effectively.
This shopping cart software also allows you to create unique logins for each of your employees, so you can grant or restrict access to different employees. Shopping Cart Elite is also PCI compliant, and all Shopping Cart Elite webpages are SSL encrypted.
We've compared Shopping Cart Elite with the best shopping cart software and find it is a great choice because of the features it offers. You have the ability to customize your site to your liking, using different headers, banners and colors. This shopping cart software also offers plenty of SEO tools to help keep your site fresh in Google rankings. You can also manage your customer data and create customized marketing email. Just about the only thing this software does not offer is a mobile application.