If you are a medical traveler, you may encounter situations when they are called to take assignment of travel in the hospital, where the regular workers have withdrawn the strike. Usually the advantage of working the strike situation is higher than the normal hourly wage. In fact, there are some travelling that work almost exclusively strikes in situations related to them, the feeling of balance outside defects Awards more than.
Strike capabilities have several unique. First of all, remember that you will probably be making the situation where picketers will view you as the "enemy", the person who disturbs their leverage for negotiations, the better the work contract. This is getting information from a network novice, to whether the picketers in a particular city are allowed into the grounds of the actual hospital during their protests or if they are required by the street. This makes a difference in what will occur, how to enter and exit the hospital. Closer to the protestors are allowed, more embarrassing and even dangerous situations potentially can be.
I think also that asks you whether the security staff is expected to take you back and forth to the hospital from the hotel (and was transported in a van with several other persons travelling on the last assignment of the strike) as well as accompany you to the hospital safely. Sometimes, if the hospital considers it necessary for safety, you may be kept in the hospital, sam and not entitled to travel and return to the hotel.
Although the remuneration usually is higher, the time of the assignment can be as short as two weeks, with the possibility of renewal as the strike continues. The strike may last for a short or long period of time, and usually abruptly end with the settlement agreement. Usually you will be guaranteed a minimum of hours or shifts, which the user receives even when the strike accounted for prior to the end date of the envisaged assignment so long as reported to the first day of work (the warranty is in agreement ... written, not verbal!). However, if the strike settled, while you're on the road to an assignment or against the report on the first day of work, the guarantee is usually not valid.
In addition, the assignment of the strike, you may be asked to work longer hours than normal with minimum time and often have to share living accommodations, usually a room, another traveler. When you provided food, remember that often the canteen is on strike too, which will be given less than glorious times.