Mac Trojan ' SabPub ' exploits of Java and Microsoft Office.

Over the weekend, security vendor finds calling another theft's wild. Targeted sympathizers of Tibet have vulnerabilities in Java and Microsoft Word.
SabPub this version two weeks ago found wild. Flight undedected for approximately two months in advance of the Kaspersky Costin Raiu write now blog that SabPub may be written by the author LuckyCat.
Version 1: Microsoft Office
SabPub Mac (and Windows) traps people have installed the Microsoft Word document booby exploitation risk side of ' MSWord.CVE-2009-00563.a. '

Fix spear phishing e-mail malicious Word attachment entitled ' 10thMarch Statemnet ' (with a typo) Tibetan sympathizers March 10 2011 refers to the Dalai Lama delivered a speech today in his annual observing that Thi batek botkhong 1959.
The Word document is created in august 2010 and updated in February with the SabPub exported in "normal" for it and see in other apt like Duqu, Raiu notes.
Version 2: JavaSabpub also found the weekend editions March exploits like a drive by the Java vulnerability in Flashback, the largest botnet attacks seen on OS X one, when downloading a Trojan backdoor. A victim's system is connected to a central command and control via HTTP from a botnet can grab screenshots. Upload/download files and remotely perform Sophos ' Graham Cluley command. written following the two SabPub on the user's system. Decrease, so if you are concerned about infection Cluley recommended to find these files:

In late March a vendor call another OS X Trojan horse Tibet.C found that take advantage of Microsoft Word on your computer, burn it comes from Tibetan sympathizers with the hand spies the Chinese GhostNet cyber group.
You may not be able to SabPub's main target, but one day the same malware can be used to target your system. Our advice is the same: make sure you download the latest security patches for Windows, MacOS, and Java also makes sure that your virus protection is up-to-date because benefits of MS Office offense to both PC and Macs will benefit from cross from products such as Norton and McAfee, all Access.
