MEDLINE citation counts by year of publication [updated]

MEDLINE consists of filled citations indexed mesh ® (medical subject headings ®).

Years of publication with # Citations # Citations published in U.S.% of the citations published in the US * search are performed in PubMed ® on May 14, 2012.

** From December 2006 citations subset OLDMEDLINE, which have all their original terms of mapped to current mesh found in MEDLINE. Has more citations in PubMed with the earlier date of publication; some OLDMEDLINE status, but some are PubMed status or "as provided by the publisher" status.

*** PubMed covers both dates of print and electronic publications in search of the date of publication; in this connection, the citations may be counted as more than one year. Totals do not include these duplicates.

-Any search repeated on later can bring different results (usually the higher numbers, as the NLM may have been processed more filled with citations for many reasons, for example, the delay in receiving or new journal for indexing by going back to volume 1, or data from back issues, such as those that are complex in PubMed, or from other sources).
-Counters are limited to a subset of MEDLINE [sb] PubMed and contain no outside citations. To search PubMed MEDLINE excluding the OLDMEDLINE subset of citations, add not jsubsetom to search.
-The country of publication means the country where the published journal. These data are available for only a subset of the OLDMEDLINE from 1964-65.

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