Profile: Hayhoe May

Reduce, reuse, Recycle: words to live by.
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May Hayhoe, Evangelical climate scientist, gets right to the heart of this idea. This clearly explains how science can help us to find ways to help "our global neighbors, the poor and disadvantaged, those who do not have the resources to adapt." should stop being both to ourselves and to begin to think about everyone. "The size of future changes depend on the choices we make now and into the next decade".
As an educator, I firmly believe that it is my duty to help my students, living in a privileged area, with unlimited food and water, sanitation and shelter, understand their responsibility in the world. This video of Katherine can be extremely beneficial in assisting me to teach my students, that changes how do living and energy use, can and will affect children worldwide. Taking shorter showers, walking to the House of his friend, riding their bicycles to school, and turning off lights when not in use, can be useful. You may not be old enough to be major changes, such as selecting an electric car, purchase and use of solar panels, or opt for wind energy, but may do so from their side.
Children need to know that they now have the power. So, in ten years, I have no problem that tough decisions they have difficulties with the realization now. They are our future and we need them to create an amazing world for us all. Thanks, Katharine, speaking so clearly and frankly, bringing our children this powerful message.
