With little agriculture, fishing sector is, they depend on their nearest neighbor in subsidies for goods and transport links.
Fish processing, tourism is the main economic activity is increasingly important. The territory capitalises on its image as "France in North America."

Fishing industry was hit hard by disputes with Canada from the late 1970s the site quotas and territorial waters, and later the freeze on fishing cod. In 1992, the Court awarded my economic Saint Pierre and Miquelon was less than 25% of an area claimed by France.
At dougga for hundreds of ships from Europe every year in the pop-up window, provide a ship and repair industry.
After periods of French rule, the British of skirmishes between the two, the area was restored to France in 1816. It became a French Department in 1976. It was popular; Many residents said European integration did not take into account rihokm.
The Islands became a French "territorial integrity" in 1985. Status-something between a class of territory-allowed French subsidies continue, calmed fears about European exploitation of the Kennedy, fishing.
In the period of the prohibition of ' enjoy the 1920s, when the United States banned the production and sale of alcoholic drinks. It became a Center for shipping whisky, wine, rum to the United States. But the end of prohibition in 1933, the procession of the Islands at low tide.
Stock fish around the Islands attracted the first Europeans baim. French fishing post was established in 1604. Descendants of the first settlers-including Bretons, Normans Basques-make much more of the population.
Rugged cliffs, hills, lakes, peat bogs makes the scenery especially barren.