A social conf?rence, Laurence Parisot and Benoit Roger-Vasselin, repr?sentant of the M?def, alongside Nadine Prigent and Bernard Thibault of the CGT.
Fran?OIS Holland has donn?, Monday July 9 ? 11 h, the kick-off of the "great social conf?rence". In his speech to launch prononc? to 300 people r?unies at the I?na Palace ? Paris, the head of a insist? on the m?thode State, which contrasts with that of his pr?d?cesseur Nicolas Sarkozy: the consultation before any d?cision and respect for the social partners.
For two days, repr?sentants of salari?s unions, employers and Government Ministers will d?battre and make proposals about seven large th?mes: employment, vocational training, wages, ?galit? men and women, productive recovery, pensioners and the financing of social protection and public service. It is only ? the outcome of these r?unions that Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault d?finira the road map and the timetable for the major social r?formes of the quinquennium.
The pla?t style. Fran?OIS Holland was first re?u ? camera, around 8: 30 this morning, Union leaders. His approach is naturally vant?e by members of the Government. "The pr?sident was immediately cr?? a positive, constructive climate", indicates no surprise Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs. "Fran?ois Holland made laugh in ?voquant his pr?d?cesseur", says Michel Sapin, the Minister of labour and social Dialogue. But, the social partners did ?histent nor ? is in f?liciter... for the moment. "He knows how to combine s?rieux and d?contraction," affirms Nadine Prigent, num?ro 2 of the CGT.
The m?thode also made the unanimit?. "It broke with the Government pr?c?dent m?thodes that d?cidait everything before m?me we convene, rel?ve Agn?s the Bot, n?gociatrice CFDT for employment." "We are here in a ?tat of constructive spirit." ""This is a good point of d?part", the CGT leader Bernard Thibault magnanimous conc?de.""We are here in a constructive and positive approach," said Jean - Fran?ois Pilliard, repr?sentant of the Medef.
No taboo, but a priori insurmountable divisions Derri?re this harmony of fa?ade ?mergent however many quack Pack d?j?. Because on the merits, and each of the other positions diverge. Management of emergency r?clame an all?gement of the co?t of the work, in compensation for the repeal of social VAT, and a greater flexibilit? of the march? work and redundancies. The TCG is fast d?cisions on wages, a questioning of the all?gements of employer costs and the prohibition of dismissal ?conomique. The CFDT called ? d a massive plan for employment and the formation of the ch?meurs.
In the view of all participants, the atmosphere in the round tables quiet ?tait, s?rieuse. Each could express themselves. "We had the opportunity to get our message on the co?t of the work too ?lev? for businesses and the n?cessit? to the march? of more flexible labour", is r?jouit Patrick Bernasconi, n?gociateur of the Medef ? round table on employment. "I have constat? a pleasure ? r?el dialogue", to r?jouit Michel FIR. We have parl? everything, no subject was taboo ?t?, rench?rit the Minister of work and social Dialogue. "But the divide between the employers and the unions remain the m?mes", r?sume the leader of FO, Jean-Claude Mailly.
Social dialogue version Holland was when m?me its limits. The social partners are well aware: they call the ? Government decide. "Not everything can ?tre d?l?gu? to social dialogue, said Bernard Thibault" "We must concr?tes measures quickly." "Simply ?tablir a social agenda is not enough, rench?rit Agn?s Bot (CFDT)." "It is urgent measures for r?pondre to the expectations of the salari?s and the ch?meurs". For the moment, the Government boot key. "Tomorrow, the Prime Minister announced the mati?re, the proc?dure and the calendar of the major social n?gociations", said Michel Sapin.Passer coordination ? action, it is the true d?fi that will need to raise the Government.
The 18 hours Receive the bulk of the actualit?: