What we will discover today is that you don’t have to use the out dated recruiting methods most uplines are teaching to be successful in Network Marketing. They simply may not work for you and that is ok!
What you do have to do is become a student of duplication and implement that already proven strategy. Duplication is powerful and is to follow.
Let’s get into some detail on how to get mlm prospects: Many of our sponsor generally have a method they use that they teach you to use when you are first starting out right? WAIT let’s back the bus up for just a second!!!!
Be sure when you join or if you have already joined a Network Marketing Company that you set some well thought out goals and then create a plan and work the plan. For more on goal setting then click this link…
I recently ran into this easily duplicatable system, well make that 2 systems that I have begun to implement into our business!(more on this in a few!!!)
The first got me my first sign up in one of the Network Marketing business’s I’m currently building! And the other has helped to almost effortlessly get more exposure for my business. You see I had gone into a crazed state of overwhelm trying to learn to do everything or master every skill for sometime now! With my head swimming in knowledge I had not yet used, I had hit a brick wall in my business growth.
Doesn’t sound like much fun does it? Truth of the matter is I was mastering blogging and lead generation with my blog, yet that is another post for another day!
I failed to focus on one thing and master that first. So today I can share how we used both systems to sign up 3 new reps and make affiliate commissions from those that said no along the way! Oh and yes we sponsored 4 more into our lead generation community as well.
First step was to take action- I went on a hunt to find 2 to 3 successful folks in the Local Market that were massively successful in their Network Marketing Business.
Here is what I found and how I looked deep into their successful business models.
Mastering the Invite- The Money Is in your list!
I learned from talking with James how to start fast with your warm market. By the way James has over 2000 reps in his downline! Massive duplication is what I learned from James for quick massive results!
The first words of Advice James spilled out of his mouth were the fast start and great momentum is in your list! Most on your list are people you already have rapport with. Better known as your warm market. Now I had heard this numerous times in my heated frenzy to become overwhelmed with learning both online and offline Network Marketing Strategies! Light Bulbs started going off like it was the 4th of July!!!!!!
No seriously, I had to take a deep breath, I think I began to have my first ever anxiety attack as I listened to James. Yet at the same time I was drooling at the mouth to hear more!
James further explained the only tool and resource he was using was the mastering of the invite. He would call 5 people on his list and report back to his upline for accountability. Each time he would share only the results from the previous 5 calls. If he got 5 No’s then they would work together to tweak the invite, and do it again!
Testing and accountability was the way they perfected the invite and soon James was on his way to mastering the invite. He was also to easily teach the exact same methods to his new team. Thus the power of Duplication.
Now their are scripts involved and I can offer you this value, get your eyes on many scripts and strategies inside the MLSP community by clicking this link and filling out the form and signing up for a 2 week no risk test drive for the no brainer cost of less than $10.00. Once you are in give me a call and I will direct you right to the scripts inside the system and help you get started with 2 free coaching calls.
Take a Closer Look at your Strategies and Learn from here how to get mlm prospects
So the first part of the strategy is easy right, master the invite. Step outside your comfort zone and empower your business with how to get mlm prospects ith simple duplication.
OK you have more people in front of your presentation because you have been working on mastering the invite. Let’s keep it simple as we move forward in the 3 way call for validation. An easy to duplicate strategy as well.
So it is a known statistic that it may take 3 to 7 exposures to get your prospect signed into your business. So I was speaking with Jordan one day and he was offering me this value. Another form of exposure was to utilize the validation call.
So we set it up and we joined one another in video chat on skype. Now Jordan lives in Denver and we are in North Carolina. So Skype was our best option.
Jordan and I hit a home run, less than a week later I followed up with Dan and signed him in that night. It was effortless and enjoyable!
Here is how the call should go!
You begin by introducing your prospect to your upline. Tell the uplines story, edification is a must!
Now since that call and recruiting 1 more new rep, I have learned the correct and efficient way to do a 3 way call!
No worries nothing to buy, to receive the exact and efficient method simply click this link and provide the information We need to send you a free video tutorial.
Here is a quote for you- “You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want” ~Zig Ziglar
Enjoy How to get MLM Prospects with simple duplication!
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