Burned 24, Fiona Dickie back injuries after her car was hit by a car that she undertook the road.
She raised the action in Edinburgh lawsuit mohammadreza Khandani of the Court of session, Edinburgh.
Won competition Miss Edinburgh: Edinburgh 2009 collision in 2010 from Dickie Tranent mistakes.
But he said subjected to impact her ability for her to join her pain charity event now.
Admitted responsibility for actions at previous hearings determine the amount of compensation mistakes Dickie Gordon Reid QC judge.
Continue reading this malingerer or someone seeking to ensure the most reward code of conduct is not the main story"Her lawyer put forward in the end quote Gordon Reid QC court session just below the Edinburgh A evaluation statement £ 20000 and claimed Khandani Mr. side £ 3500 figure her claims.
The Court is 10 heard the accident returned clerk of Edinburgh Street from working in the drinks promotion event as Dickie Miss South midnight April soon after the 2009.
Customer Sales Manager accident after coming home after recommended to consult her family doctor, phone NHS24, introduced after physical therapy.
She was diagnosed with chronic low back pain after.
Lead Mr., overstated his complaint of her mistake him she continued low back pain is caused by accidents said no?.
Told the judge: "her work, life in General, and he shows especially commendable attitude to her ongoing back pain.
"Not in seeking to ensure the compensation of the most possible this malingerer or anyone else or because of her injuries.
"Criminal explained the restrictions arose since the accident. She has adopted a sensible attitude to her ongoing hip problem.
"Her he knows I can wear high heels woman to do this, suffer you next day. Instead of criticism seems to me, she commended the efforts of her ".
Judge her £ 10000 her pain including suffering £ 18281, the awarded total.