The platform of dissemination of vid?os YouTube, Google propri?t?, will launch before the end of the ann?e in France several t?l?vision online, a indiqu? Monday cha?nes Google France, affirming in part an information of le Figaro. "YouTube will launch a program of cha?nes online that will have original content before the end of the ann?e in France", has annonc? a spokesman for the group.
Google however is refus? ? all d?tail suppl?mentaire, as the number of cha?nes or s?lectionn?s producers, since the project "is still in the initial ?tapes". According to lefigaro.com, YouTube has s?lectionn? of producers such as Endemol, Capa or auFeminin for r?aliser 13 cha?nes th?matiques and free, ranging from entertainment ? the sant? from family, culture, and cuisine, to launch pr?vu in October.
Le Figaro said that YouTube has lanc? a call for tenders for the cr?ation of programs.
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