CHICAGO-runs contrary to media reporting in fiscal the report was issued by the County budget the crisis Tâche the force in July, the Législatures National Conference from the United States on '' lente And stable '' croissance in finance the State summer 2012.
NCSL a report the published Tuesday morning in his news conference in Chicago laying out what the organization said is a increase in revenus s. And economy, based on data collected from budget authorities in the country. Last study--one of the three communiqués fiscal report the group by-is the United States have a chance to see rain day valleys increase and to avoid interruption budget which also plagued have talks in the year recent.
'' State fiscal conditions continue to improve, '' NCSL fiscal Director Arturo Perez said. '' This is a continuation of the series last versions. Was a progress lente And stable in improvement. ''
Perez said NCSL also found that the Valley County way rain the day at 8 percent of the budget, and took And Texas Alaska who Pack, oil, recettes, and Californie, Illinois in the Valley. When States card are éliminées, the Fund means the rain day in August 5.1 percent. Eleven States reported that '' concerned '' economic on Outlook, but, most States had a positive life in fiscal year 2013.
According to Perez, the legislative this year produit little change in County any taxes exchange rate, with most States who made adjustments and adopter the cut to increase. Only three States-Idaho, Kansas and New York-passed knife tax alone this year.
NCSL also also found that Medicaid remained a concern for State leader, saying both County budget the crisis Tâche the force and recent survey fiscal States was freed by govern the National Association and National Association of County budget officers on June 30.
'' Was not in completely well croissance, '' Perez said the, revenu optimism. '' There is still question States face. ''
July the report in County budget the crisis Tâche the force, led by former President Federal Reserve Paul Volcker and former New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch, offered a take different on finance County. The report surface a $ 4 000 need in obligation name County pension and benefits, and income, and make dramatic interruption coûts Medicaid. The report said the United States need to examining practice for majorly fiscal address what they say could be a disaster in.
'' This worries I am threat to social order, '' Ravitch said last month. '' We cannot cut human services Government And cutting ability, to take care of all the people. ''
Ravitch noted that County budget the crisis Tâche the force the étaient of NCSL and Association this national ruler Volcker group not in Ravitch had gone in flight not current authorities County. He also said action immédiate.
'' It'll get worse every day, '' Ravitch said. '' We have to stop bullsh of Israel when we consider more. ''
Although Perez said he don't want compared NCSL report to report Volcker-Ravitch, he pointed out that Volcker And Ravitch see just six States-Californie, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas and Virginia--to take them of research, while NCSL was speak for all 50 States and the District of Columbia. Perez also note that NCSL report is part of a series of 20 years of report and maintain a moment in time to finance County.
'' Our is a series of reports that go back 20 years holding onglets of sometimes on any aspect of the current state state finance, '' Perez said, adding that it will take '' two report '' to show a change in tendances.
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