Google you

In December 2002, Randy Cohen of New York Times responded ethical issue of the reader about a friend who had used Google to make of General information on a man that she had been on a date with the audit. When she heard that the man, a doctor, had been involved in several combinations of professional misconduct, she had a much lower opinion of the man, who has probably affected the relationship.

Makes the availability of information on the Internet it easy for people to release the people-based background checks prior to entry into dealings with them. It is something that you should definitely be you hire someone as an employee, a consultant or a contractor.

So what Google say about you? If you do not know, you would be better knowledge. These skeletons in your closet is perhaps not as hidden that you think. Or, worse yet, you may need to someone to another skeletons!

First of all, you want to make sure that you are one of the people searching for your name or preferably the person at the top of page top of page. It is not so difficult when you have a distinctive name, such as David Teten. A moderate amount of activity online and the publication to ensure that rise you above the handful of other people with the same name. However, if you have a very common name, as Scott Allen, with many other people bearing this activity name online, you have to work especially hard even on the first page of entries.

In the case of a personal name, your search engine placement improvement strategies are simple. Make sure that your name is included in thetag on your page and used in evidence throughout the page. The other thing to work on is to get incoming links to your site, preferably containing your name. Three great ways to this issue are: develop a HTML signature to use in discussion forums on the web that has your name as a hyperlink to your web site. Every message that you post and then becomes a link to your site for the search engines add to their index. Publish articles anywhere and everywhere you can, in ensuring that they always include a signature that extended links to your Web site, preferably with your name as the link text. Create a corporate blog (or "blog") and take advantage of the many technologies automated for incoming links to your site. In addition to the link popularity, these would lead direct traffic from other bloggers, usually experts and opinion leaders.These strategies will significantly improve your link popularity, one of the main factors in the most ranking algorithms search engine.<P>Now, what skeletons? Do not just go through the first three pages - look through everything. You can put your name in quotation marks, i.e., "Donna Fisher" (around 5 000 results) vs Donna Fisher (more than 250 000 results), to reduce the number of results.<P>But what to do if you find any dirt on yourself? If it's flatly inaccurate or defamatory, you can, of course, try to communicate with the site and to delete. If, on the other hand, it comes to the public record, as above, malpractice suits you then some damage. Just you provide an ample offer of good information on you well positioned in the search engines, and the other can only to languish in obscurity. Or, you may want to make sure people it hear you first, or that you have at least one response to this topic on your site for "clocks". If the issue is large enough, you can hire a person PR professional to handle, but it is something that you can take care of yourself, so, if you are on a limited budget.<P>___________________________________________<BR>David Teten and Scott Allen are the authors of the virtual handshake: opening and closing of transactions Online, the first book to discuss how online communities and other social software can be used to connect with the right people to help you grow your business and advance your career. For more information, visit</P>

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