How was the violation in the 82-year-old nun, 'Fort Knox' nuclear bomb

If you were loose around weapons storage facility and nuclear security concerns night, read this one may think you want to skip the lift: two how minus the more activist and Roman Catholic nun sister Megan rice, New York Times, what the 82-year-old accomplice was reported "of maximum security breach in the complex history of the nuclear countries".

U.S.-citizen she ironically commercial monitoring and study group meeting Washington, D.C AP reported acts of disobedience the and chosen Wednesday in the House of representatives energy,. Young woman brought the Bible R Texas Joe Barton said. "If she had been a terrorist, only the Lord knows, what happened?. "When highlighting intrusion when a security flaw, worked loose oversight of contractors ' times reported the Department of energy.

Public integrity spoke Center rice Y 12 containing enough material, highly enriched uranium materials facility ( HEUMF ) Knoxville, Tennessee make 10000 nuclear bomb, reported the Center about the role of graffiti near her. Industry observers will be called the "Fort Knox uranium".

Michael r. Walli, 63 and Gregory I. Boertje-Obed, 57, was with fellow U.S. pacifist "only flashlights, binoculars, bolt cutters, bread, flowers, Bible, and some of the hammer and" armed, approached Knoxville nuclear facilities 7/28 report the Center for Public Integrity.

Cut facilities (grass guard car high back and processing streams, rugged terrain along the way ) told U.S. Center of was the crew several hours at night to get close under the cloak of only 15 minutes, through four fences.

"First two other peace activists ( bought TrueValue hardware) red 'warning' tape Watch-Tower showed under the pillars around the string and some candles one with her there, once had plenty of guards before the light hours. They 'very ???? or' blood--time to launch, she said — and transition her ' symbolic cracking ' of concrete called cornerstone "

Group is waiting for the October trial. And trespass (misdemeanor) they graffiti and felony of) Government property alleged attack; face, the times reported fines for breach of the nuclear facilities of the maximum $ 600000 in 16 years of prison.

After she was released from custody 8/3, nuclear bomb said "worst weapon ever made in the history of mankind" is the U.S. media. "It needs to exist. We give our lives for this. ?

Sister Megan rice, a stranger's civil disobedience: served as a perspective in her life changed sentence six months in federal prison, she was arrested in front of up to 50 times: "it amazing striking was" New York, told the times ". When the prison experience, you need minimum very it. ?

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