The need is simple but absolute. As we age, we need help on the tasks and the choice is often to obtain help from adult children, out of medical assistance, or move to expensive homes in senior life. Many seniors do not have or is not close to the adult children who can help, or adult children do not have the time or the ability to be.
The qualifications at this time are relatively simple. You must be able to take care of someone else as you made yourself, you must have the time and you must be organized and on time. In some parts of the country, you can take a test license that gives you extra credibility and this may be required in the future.
Typical fees that are charged to customers are between $15-25 per hour, based on the geographical location and references that can be given. Typical pricing for a startup company is about $15 per hour. In the first year, pricing is usually increased to $20 by hours.
A good calendar/contact such as Microsoft Outlook system is all that he must first keep your appointment and this can be used for the maintenance of many simultaneous appointments. Even if there is no MS Office, a similar version of online calendar works is available at the for use free of charge.
Some caregiver offices are located outside of a home office as well as the start-up costs are only what relates directly to the company itself. Business start-up costs would be limited to the cost of forms of business and such documents to business cards and order and labour bills. These prices were online and are listed below.
It is relatively easy to start. First, do a little research online services you wish to offer. This can be accomplished by visiting many websites of the companies that offer these services and then choosing services that are appropriate for your situation. Develop your offer, a brochure of single page printed computer that explains your services, and your list from where they are distributed. Likely places include churches of bulletin boards, community bulletin boards, organizing shipments to local hospital workers social helping seniors and other professionals of the senior services in your area, such as a local area on aging.
There are also online directories that you can get in at lower cost. Be careful, how you do this, however, that some have drives while others do not. Good can easily produce multiple clients per month. Your phone will surely be one of your best friends of the company. Appeal of local organizations, churches and businesses that deal with the elderly an introduce yourself. Both commercial that you can raise with non-personal contacts, you can raise twice as much with you and leaving a business card.
250 Business cards, unique color: 25 credits of work order/invoice: