Chef of the Japanese North Korea meets Kim and wife: reports August 04, 2012 Japanese Korea meets North reports +
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Crowds shun Italian beaches as the umbrella men strike August 04, 2012 beaches Crowds Italian Strike umbrella +
Progress and tradition collide in the green oasis Polish August 04, 2012 collide Green oasis Polish Progress tradition +
"Atrocious" outfits horrify London style car August 04, 2012 Atrocious horrify London outfits Style +
The Government of Hong Kong, criticized over the plastic bottle on the beach August 04, 2012 beach Bottle criticized government plastic +
U.S. Woman altruism runs a chain of five kidney swaps, extending the life August 04, 2012 altruism chain extending kidney swaps woman +
Travel postcard: 48 hours in conflicting Bangkok August 04, 2012 Bangkok conflicting hours postcard Travel +