Sunday's shocking Game of Thrones episode, "The Rains of Castamere," was HBO's most social episode for any show in the history of the network, HBO told Mashable on Friday.
With more than 700,000 mentions on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, news sites and forums, online chatter about the episode surpassed the social buzz for HBO's next two most social episodes: the season three premiere of Game of Thrones and the season five premiere of True Blood. HBO calculated mentions from Sunday at 7 p.m. EDT to Monday at 7 p.m.
The stats, from social analytics firm mashwork, also show that social volume increased 44% during the episode compared to this season's premiere.
The episode is often described as the "Red Wedding" episode in reference to the events that transpired in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series for which the show is inspired.
After watching the climactic scenes in the Red Wedding, fans and celebrities alike expressed their outrage and tossed their jokes across the web.
"It was fucking crazy; it was unbelievably gruesome," actor Seth Rogen told Mashable this week. "[HBO] kind of set a precedent that the second to last episode is when they do the really crazy shit ... but they went way further than I thought they would. My wife is very upset."
On average, 13.6 million viewers have tuned into each season three episode, making it the second most popular HBO series ever behind The Sopranos, HBO said.

Photo courtesy of Helen Sloan/HBO
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