After seeing an article in the Guardian money regarding security policies of paper, which I got from Barclays for many years, I thought that, too, I would try to claim some money back – not thinking that it would be difficult.
I went into my local – and then a main branch many times, wondering how to get your money back. They didn't know anything. Eventually I was sent the form for payment protection insurance (PPI), that I wasn't asking for. Going nowhere, contacted the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which was useful. After some time, with emails going back and forth, he got an offer of settlement of £331 by Barclays. May have taken it further, but decided to accept it and signed the form. More than two months on I'm still waiting for the money. FOS staff chased him several times, but Barclays seems like clinging to his money. LE, Stockport
This was simply a case of a lost going missing between Barclays and the Ombudsman. Barclays said a statement by the FOS about resolving the case caused "confusion" and that led to the delay in the repair. However, it has now been resolved and the money has been put into your account. It is worth noting that the FOS and banks are still being inundated by credits for mis-sold PPI and other security products. FOS said recently that its claims PPI only now are running at 378,000 a year.
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